Protein Analysis

Products / Application / Protein Analysis
Cell-free Protein Expression
PURExpress® In Vitro Protein Synthesis Kit
A reconstituted protein synthesis system based on the PUREsystem™ (Shimizu et al., 2001) where all necessary components needed for in vitro transcription and translation are purified from E. coli.
  • Defined system with all his-tagged proteins for coupled transcription/translation; Ribosome is not his-tagged
  • T7 RNA Polymerase drives in vitro transcription
  • Minimal nuclease and protease activity for stability of synthesized protein and encoding target
  • Templates can be either plasmid DNA, linear DNA or mRNA
  • Protein of interest can be synthesized and visualized in a few hours
  • Synthesized protein can be co-translationally radiolabeled or fluorescently labeled
  • Protein can be reverse-purified or subject to direct functional analysis
  • Applications include high throughput screening/directed evolution, synthetic biology, toxic or difficult to express protein synthesis, studies on protein folding, activity and protein-protein interactions
  • Due to reconstituted nature, several kits are offered where translation factors or macromolecules have been omitted to facilitate specific studies (see companion products)
  • Compatible with the PURExpress Disulfide Bond Enhancer (NEB #E6820)
Competent Cells for Protein Expression
Lemo21(DE3) Competent E. coli
Chemically competent E. coli cells suitable for tunable T7 expression of challenging proteins.
  • BL21(DE3) containing the Lemo System™
  • Tunable T7 Expression Strain for difficult targets: membrane proteins, toxic proteins and proteins prone to insoluble expression
  • Deficient in proteases Lon and OmpT
  • Resistant to phage T1 (fhuA2)
  • Free of animal products
Protein Purification
NEBExpress® Ni-NTA Magnetic Beads
An affinity matrix for the small-scale isolation and purification of polyhistidine-tagged (His-tagged) fusion proteins in manual or automated formats.
  • Isolation and purification of His-tagged fusion proteins under native or denaturing conditions as IMAC tolerates a wide range of conditions, including the presence of protein denaturants and detergents.
  • High specific binding of His-tagged proteins from various expression systems with purities of >95%.
  • NTA securely coordinates metal ions through four coordination sites which results in low nickel ion leaching.
  • Can be used with common cell lysis reagents and a variety of buffer additives.
Protein Standards
Color Prestained Protein Standard, Broad Range (10-250 kDa)
  • Direct loading, additional loading buffer and heat incubation not required
  • Applications include verification of western blot transfer efficiency on membranes and fluorescent imaging of SDS-PAGE
More Information:
PNGase F
Removal of high mannose N-glycans from glycoproteins
  • Non-recombinant with no detectable endoglycosidase F1, F2 or F3 contamination
  • ≥ 95% purity, as determined by SDS-PAGE and intact ESI-MS
  • Stored in 50% glycerol
  • Optimal activity and stability for up to 24 months
  • Can be used under native or denaturing conditions